Hi, I'm Eli. What's your name?

"My primary names are David, Earl, and Angelique, but I’ve got many more written down that I don’t remember right now."

Have you always lived downtown?

"There are five different Detroits, and I’ve lived in all of them."

You mean like.. East, West, etc.?

"Nah, like, five different Detroit Michigans!"

Do you have any interesting stories you'd like to share?

"I used to live in Washington D.C. when Bill Clinton was president."

Did you vote for Hillary?

"I didn’t vote for Hillary because I was in a housing transition."

How long have you been in transition for?

"I’ve been in transition for a few weeks now. Just moving from one place to another."

Do you work currently?

I used to be a teacher, and I did political work, social work, and recreational work."